Graduation thesis A study on the effects that habit of reading english books have on english reading skill for the freshman and sophomores majoring

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Graduation Thesis A Study On The Effects That Habit Of Reading English Books Have On English Reading Skill For The Freshman And Sophomores Majoring In English At The Industrial University Of Ho Chi Minh City

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Ngày: 04/12/2023
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Bạn đang xem trước 15 trang tài liệu Graduation thesis A study on the effects that habit of reading english books have on english reading skill for the freshman and sophomores majoring, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE GRADUATION THESIS A STUDY ON THE EFFECTS THAT HABIT OF READING ENGLISH BOOKS HAVE ON ENGLISH READING SKILL FOR THE FRESHMAN AND SOPHOMORES MAJORING IN ENGLISH AT THE INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY STUDENT NAME : LÊ THẾ TOÀN IDNUMBER 18056001 CLASS CODE : COHORT : 2018-2022 SUPERVISOR NAME : DOAN PHAN PHUONG DUNG Ph.D. HCMC, MAY 2022 MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ------ GRADUATION THESIS A STUDY ON THE EFFECTS THAT HABIT OF READING ENGLISH BOOKS HAVE ON ENGLISH READING SKILL FOR THE FRESHMAN AND SOPHOMORES MAJORING IN ENGLISH AT THE INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY STUDENT NAME : LÊ THẾ TOÀN ID NUMBER 18056001 CLASS CODE : COHORT : 2018-2022 SUPERVISOR NAME : DOAN PHAN PHUONG DUNG Ph.D. HCMC, MAY 2022 INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ------ Student name : LÊ THẾ TOÀN ID Number 18056001 Class Code : Cohort : 2018-2022 Supervisor Name : DOAN PHAN PHUONG DUNG Ph.D. Student’s declaration: I declare that this graduation report is entirely my own work and does not involve in plagiarism or collusion. It also has not been accepted as part of a submission to another purpose else where. I accept heavy penalty for any cheating or plagiarism. Date submitted : May 28th, 2022 Signed : ……………………… Word count : 8700 words Table of Contents 1.1. Rationale...........................................................................................................................................1 CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................1 1.2. Research goals..................................................................................................................................1 1.3. Research questions...........................................................................................................................2 1.4. Scope of the study.............................................................................................................................2 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................................................3 2.1. Definitions of key terms/concepts.....................................................................................................3 Definition of Reading Habit..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1. Reading comprehension................................................................................................................3 Relationship between reading, reading habit, and reading comprehension...........................................................................................4 2.2. Results of previous studies................................................................................................................5 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH DESIGN............................................................................................................................8 3.1. Research context...............................................................................................................................8 3.2. Participants.......................................................................................................................................8 3.3. Methods...........................................................................................................................................8 4.1. Findings...........................................................................................................................................13 CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION...........................................................................................................13 4.1.1. 4.1.2. 4.1.3. 4.1.4. 4.1.5. 4.1.6. 4.1.7. Demographic information.............................................................................................................................13 Reading Habits...............................................................................................................................................13 Reading Frequency........................................................................................................................................14 Reading Materials.........................................................................................................................................14 Reading Purposes..........................................................................................................................................15 Time Spent on Reading..................................................................................................................................16 Reading Comprehension Score.....................................................................................................................16 Table 4.7. Descriptive statistics of reading comprehension score...................................................................................16 Table 4.8. Descriptive frequency of reading comprehension score.................................................................................16 4.1.8. The Structured Interview..............................................................................................................................17 Table 4.8. Interviewees' perspectives toward reading habit...........................................................................................17 Table 4.9. Frequency of going to the library...................................................................................................................18 Table 4.10. Interviewees' attitudes toward background family effects...........................................................................19 Table 4.11. Interviewees’ purposes of reading...............................................................................................................22 Table 4.12. Time spent on reading.................................................................................................................................23 4.2. Discussion.......................................................................................................................................23 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................28 5.1. Conclusion..............................................................................................................................................................28 5.2. Limitations of the study...................................................................................................................29 5.3. Suggestions of the study..................................................................................................................30 5.4. Recommendations for further research...........................................................................................32 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................................................34 APPENDICES.......................................................................................................................................................35 LIST OF АBBREVIАTIONS IUH: Industriаl University of Ho Chi Minh City FFL: Fаculty of Foreign Lаnguаges ABSTRACT Reading habits and reading comprehension seem to have a significant correlation, yet in Vietnam few examinations have been done to show the connection between them. This study expects to depict the perusing propensities for green beans and sophomores at IUH, uncover their understanding capability and decide the relationship between's the two variables. Quantitative information were gathered through a web-based poll and the test was broke down involving the Factual Bundle for Sociologies 26 (SPSS 26). Polls were utilized to decide students' understanding propensities and a directed test to evaluate their understanding presentation. Pearson Connection and relapse investigates were performed to affirm the effect of the 5 parts of perusing propensities on understanding cognizance. Subjective information were gathered through an organized meeting and afterward evaluated utilizing Microsoft Succeed 2022. The meeting was led to explain a few likenesses and contrasts between propensities. Perusing and disposition examples of deliberate. From the consequences of this review, the specialist can affirm that the green beans and sophomores at IUH have a decent demeanor towards understanding propensities and do perusing for the most part as their very own result inspirations. From the measurements, it very well may be reasoned that their perusing cognizance execution is normal. The discoveries show that the relationship between's understanding propensities and perusing perception is totally huge (robtained = 0.608 to 0.710). 53.9% of the components of perusing propensities add to understanding appreciation. The outcomes show that perusing understanding accomplishment will be improved assuming perusing propensities are kept up with as well as the other way around. The analyst suggests that further investigations ought to zero in on the methodology, deterrents, inclinations of having great understanding propensities, and how students apply perusing propensities to subjects that require perusing appreciation abilities explicitly. KEYWORDS Correlation, reading comprehension, reading habit. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT During the time of writing the thesis, I have received the support and encouragement to overcome all challenges and complete the thesis on time. First of all, I would like to thank the Board of Directors of the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City and the Faculty of Foreign Languages for creating favorable conditions for me to carry out my research. Secondly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my respected mentor - Dr. Doan Phan Phuong Dung for her valuable guidance, support and encouragement which helped me to overcome the difficulties. encountered during the study. I have to accept that I would not have been able to complete this research without her immense help and advice. As my teacher and mentor, she taught me more than I could give her here. I am proud and grateful to have had the time to work with her. Third, I would like to sincerely thank the students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages who took the time to answer my questions during the interview and help me prepare the online questionnaire. In the end, no one was more important to me in pursuing this project than my family members. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to them, who have always loved and supported me in whatever I pursue. Their unwavering support and cooperation got me through all the challenging stages when writing my thesis. STUDENT NAME: LÊ THẾ TOÀN STUDENT ID NUMBER: 18056001 CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Rationale Tuning in, talking, perusing and composing are fundamental abilities that should be rehearsed when somebody is learning English (Composing @ CSU, 2006). As indicated by the English Gathering (2015), these language abilities are isolated into receptivity and efficiency. Through the time learning at IUH, the specialist viewed that as the majority of the understudies are not intrigued or care very little about perusing and keep up with their understanding propensities. Numerous students frequently decide to go to research to look for replies to their activities. By and large, they simply reorder answers tracked down on the Web without plainly grasping the composed material. Scholastics studying English are likewise less inclined to go to the library to study. The timeframe when understudies are packed with books as opposed to resting can generally be recognized at the library as planning time before midterm and last tests of the year, principally on the grounds that they can't track down replies on the double on Google. Typical reaction to educator inquiries concerning going to the library or perusing open-finished books peacefully. They can do any recreation action with the exception of get books and perused. From my insight through four years of learning at IUH College, the specialist accepts that firstyear and second-year understudies at the Workforce of Unknown dialects should have great perusing understanding abilities to perform perusing perception abilities like Interpretation and Read. 1.2. Research goals The analyst wishes to direct this review among rookies and sophomores at IUH to depict their understanding examples, numerically ascertain their understanding cognizance and decide whether there is any relationship What is the connection between keeping up with great understanding propensities and further developing perusing perception abilities, and how solid the relationship may be. Research on this issue in Vietnam is minuscule and the vast majority of them don't zero in on the relationship between's understanding propensities and understanding perception, which is viewed as the most fundamental element to change individuals' perspectives on that issue. Considering this, the examination was led to help IUH School Executives, administrators, educators and understudies to be certain that they are educated about the relationship between's the two parts and the significance of perusing and topic give answers for complex issues. SUPERVISOR NAME: DOAN PHAN PHUONG DUNG Ph.D. 1|Page STUDENT NAME: LÊ THẾ TOÀN STUDENT ID NUMBER: 18056001 1.3. Research questions In view of the above research goals, the study desires to address these questions as follows: a. What is the reading pattern of freshmen and sophomores at IUH? b. To what extent are the seniors and seniors of FFL fluent in reading and writing? c. Is there a relationship between reading habits and reading comprehension? 1.4. Scope of the study The subjects participating in this study are 50 freshmen and sophomores (S = 48.79%, F = 51.2%) of FFL at the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City. SUPERVISOR NAME: DOAN PHAN PHUONG DUNG Ph.D. 2|Page STUDENT NAME: LÊ THẾ TOÀN STUDENT ID NUMBER: 18056001 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Definitions of key terms/concepts 2.1.1. Definition of Reading Habit The term of perusing propensity has been characterized diversely by numerous specialists. Sangkaeo (1999) lean towards that perusing propensity almost certain remembers the perusers' similarity for picking kinds of perusing and the assortments of books. In actuality, Shen (2006) accentuates that perusing propensity includes understanding materials and different angles, for example, recurrence of perusing, quantities of the book being perused, and time spent for it. One more definition was conveyed by Zwiers (2004). He accepts that both programmed and oblivious systems connect with the expression "perusing propensities while collecting significance from language." Subsequently, perusing propensity alludes to the course of quickly understanding when the perusers read a sentence, passage, or message and afterward unwittingly get its importance or sum up the literary material. Zwiers likewise adds that eventually, assuming individuals needed to peruse a ton of books under any circumstance like arriving at self-improvement and social advancement, they would set a "beginning" point for perusing. Starting there, they would be accustomed to perusing, and they look for elective sources to peruse, lastly, perusing could be one of their propensities. Greene (2001) shows one more side for achieving the term. As she says, perusing propensities can and ought to be accomplished at somebody's more youthful age. In the event that perusing propensities can be accomplished early on, it would be enduring until the end of their life. Whenever understudies have pleasurable encounters and find happiness in perusing, they can frame great understanding propensities, including making perusing ways of behaving turns into their customary and concentrated aspect of existence (Iftanti, 2015). 2.1.2. Reading comprehension Perusing cognizance is accepted collectively of abilities and exercises (Kendeou and Broek, 2007). It is upheld by Harris and Smith (2002), who contend that the center of perusing capability is the reasoning system including four activities: distinguishing proof, investigation, assessment, and application. (1)Distinguishing alludes to the method involved with finding the message presented by the creator. (2) Dissecting implies that perusers need to isolate the whole text into SUPERVISOR NAME: DOAN PHAN PHUONG DUNG Ph.D. 3|Page STUDENT NAME: LÊ THẾ TOÀN STUDENT ID NUMBER: 18056001 parts basing on the design of the text. (3) Assessing demands perusers to pass judgment on the significance of the data they get from the text, whether it is important or immaterial to their motivation of perusing. (4) Applying implies that perusers utilize the information, implications, messages, or data to tackle their concerns or accomplish their points. Plus, Brown (2001) characterized that perusing perception for the most part concerns suitably and productively understanding the importance of the text to completely comprehend and respond to an enlightening inquiry. Except if perusers could include the substance of the text, it is negligible to understand capability. It additionally intends that after the understanding system, perusers won't perform perusing perception except if they can interpret the message's secret message. Perusing cognizance is remembered to allude to the demonstration of closing the materials read. Without a doubt, Fitriani (2015) clearly expresses that through understanding capability, perusers need to figure out the understanding material and evoke the significance of the perusing. It is finished by Woolley (2011), who zeros in more on gathering the feeling of expressions, sentences, and relating passages. He verifies that students ought to appreciate the indication of the sentences, passages, the message, and later, the creator's suggestion from disengaged letters. 2.1.3.Relationship between reading, reading habit, and reading comprehension Widdowson (1978) pronounces that cognizance is the chief finish of the understanding system. It is contributed by four components: the perusers' semantic capacities, the substance of perusing, and points of view on perusers' understanding propensities. Having similar contemplations, the Division for Instruction and Abilities (2005, p.2) additionally asserts that one of the objectives of perusing is to comprehend what you are perusing, and maybe perusing cognizance is a fundamental piece of it. Ache et al. (2003, p.6) add that perusing is an aggregate course of word acknowledgment and understanding. Furthermore, as indicated by Manzo and Manzo (1994), perusing fundamentally concerns fathoming. Perusing is an "clever interaction" that starts from learning image correspondence to perceive sections, short entries, and articles. The understudy's degrees of perusing can be created from simple to progress. The pinnacle of this cycle is that EFL understudies could become acclimated to scholastic ideas and can examine hardships and issues expressed in logical books or examination papers. Perusing, subsequently, is the "clever cycle" and the need mean of SUPERVISOR NAME: DOAN PHAN PHUONG DUNG Ph.D. 4|Page STUDENT NAME: LÊ THẾ TOÀN STUDENT ID NUMBER: 18056001 understanding text based material. Besides, as per Samrotul (2014), a solid association between understanding examples and understanding the materials read is surprisingly detailed, and that implies having great perusing propensities will impact the understudy's perusing cognizance accomplishment. To be sure, Hendrix (2019) make sense of that the climate could influence perusing appreciation accomplishment. An agreeable climate like calm environmental elements, sufficient lighting, optimal temperature, and absence of diverting items might be better for perusing process execution as well as the other way around. It is upheld by Bui (2021) that diminishing the utilization of virtual entertainment and remote innovation assist understudies with totally zeroing in on perusing and further developing their understanding exhibitions. 2.2. Results of previous studies Many bits of examination are made to survey the association between constant endlessly understanding cognizance. Steady with Gaona and González (2011), a genuinely remarkable connection can undoubtedly be brought up between understanding accomplishment and two or three elements of perusing propensity like viewpoints on perusing (ρ =.413, p <.001) and the individual's recurrence of detailing methods for tracking down material in the library (ρ =.239, p<0.001). The following review led by Sakinah (2018) brought up understanding materials and understanding goals, which are two parts of understanding propensity, had a nearby association with understanding cognizance. The presence of an association between students' understanding materials and their perusing accomplishment was found out (0.473 Pearson's score). The concentrate likewise establishes that the purpose of member's perusing and their accomplishment had a moderate connection, as displayed in 0.470 Pearson's score. The consequence of Yusnaeni et al. (2019) research showed that the got is 0.514 with a critical degree of 0,001. The review shows the significant connection between the propensity for perusing and its insight. The R square worth uncovered a 26.4% relationship between the two components. The fourth related concentrate by Septiarini et al. (2018) reasoned that there would be superior perusing appreciation as understudies' perusing designs change. Then again, as understudies' perusing designs crumble, their perusing capacity will fall apart too. The relationship between SUPERVISOR NAME: DOAN PHAN PHUONG DUNG Ph.D. 5|Page STUDENT NAME: LÊ THẾ TOÀN STUDENT ID NUMBER: 18056001 understanding propensity (X) and understanding appreciation (Y) was laid out utilizing fundamental connection investigation with the outcome ry1 = 0,557. Tcount = 6,571 > Ttable = 1,66 in the relationship measure, demonstrating a positive relationship between understanding examples and understanding cognizance. Sulaiman and Harpiansi (2018) saw that the rtable of 37 members was 0.325 while acquired was 0.353. The discoveries show the presence of significant relations with respect to the propensity for perusing and its discernment. The 6th review related research done by Indriani (2019) showed that the relationship between the student's understanding propensities and perusing perception levels and by and large estimation results was fair. As indicated by the aftereffects of item second connection research, the relationship coefficient between members' understanding propensities and perusing cognizance accomplishment is more prominent than rtable (0.400 > 0.361). The consequences of the examination started by Sari (2020) uncovered that sig (2-followed) 0.004 < 0.05. It found a positive connection between understanding propensity and understanding perception, yet the impact was gentle. One more related study was started by Wahyudi (2015), which exhibited that the acquired is 0.309. It is feasible to accept that the two factors have no significant relationship as the acquired is above 0.05. Three viewpoints can influence the condition: 1) researchers' misinterpretations in regards to great understanding propensities, 2) members' inclination for recreation perusing (comics, papers, sports magazines), and 3) students' inclination for relaxation perusing, including the way that the examination readies the tests from perusing materials for scholastic assets. The last examination was continued in Vietnam by Vuong, Quan-Hoang et al. (2019). From the noticed outcomes, better grades in science, innovation, designing, and math (STEM) subjects play out a causal relationship with understanding excitement (β Readbook = 0.425, p < 0.0001). The exploration uncovers that understudies who appreciate perusing books show improvement over the people who are uninterested in books. There are six past examinations in which the outcomes focused on the critical presence of an association between the propensities for endlessly understanding comprehension, two finishes of the investigations above showed a low connection between two parts, and one review exhibited SUPERVISOR NAME: DOAN PHAN PHUONG DUNG Ph.D. 6|Page

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